lundi 26 juillet 2010

Dendrobium atroviolacum

La famille des dendrobiums est la plus grande famille des orchidees apres les Bulbophyllum avec juste 1200-1500 especes (difficile de toutes les denombrer!).
On les trouve en Asie du Sud-Est, en Chine, Japon, Philippines Australie, Iles du Pacifique et Nouvelle-Zelande.
Celle-ci provient de Nouvelle-Guinee ou elle pousse a 300-750 metres d'altitude. La fleur fait environ 6 cm donc c'est une orchidee de taille moyenne.

J'ai feconde quelques unes des fleurs ce qui les fait se faner tres rapidement. Reste a attendre quelques ...mois! pour avoir des graines. Affaire a suivre.

Fleur fecondee

Light, intermediary to hot temperature, flower in winter to early summer.
Found in New Guinea and some surrounding islands, at an elevation of 300-750 meters as a medium sized, hot to warm growing epiphyte on large tree trunks in rainforests and as such their conditions should be the same all year. This orchid has a clavately-fusiform, deeply sulcate, geenish when young, brownish with age stems carrying 2 to 4 apical, ovate-oblong, thick, coriaceous, obtusely obtuse apically, dark green above and paler below leaves. Frequent waterings and fertilizer will insure blooming in mid-winter through early summer with a short to 8" [to 20 cm], axillary raceme arising from just below or at the apex of new or older canes which carries 8 to many fragrant, heavy textured, very long lasting, nodding flowers. Plants should have a drier winter although never alowed to dry out completely, with less fertilizer until the new growths arise in the spring