dimanche 29 août 2010

Pleurothallis pachyglossa

Full shade, cool to intermediary temperature, flower in winter to spring
A Central American, medium sized, caespitose, hot to cool growing epiphytic, rarely terrestrial species found from Mexico, Guatemala and Costa Rica in lower montane rain forests at elevations of 500 to 1700 meters with stems that are enveloped with tubular bracts carrying a single, shortly petiolate, elliptic, acute leaves and blooms on an apical, subflexuous, 10" [25 cm] long, racemose, longer than the leaves, few to several flowered inflorescence that has successive opening flowers occuring in late winter and early spring. This specis has many similarities to P tuerkheimii but differs in the successively flowered, fractiflex inflorescence that is much shorter.