vendredi 3 septembre 2010

Angraecum distichum

Achetee en Juillet 2010 chez orchidmania, installee sur mon mur a orchidee en Aout, la voila en fleur ce matin.

Shade, cool to hot temperature, flower all seasons
Found in Benin, Ghana, Guinea, Ivory Coast, Liberia, Nigeria, Siera Leone, Togo, Congo, Equatorial Guinea, Gulf of Guinea Islands, Central African Republic, Gabon, Cameroon, Zaire, Rwanda, Uganda and Angola on large trees in rain forests as a miniature to small sized, hot and humid growing, Lockhartia-like epiphyte from elevations of 200 [1400] to 1600 meters with leafy stems that form large clumps and carrying distichous, falcately oblong-elliptic, bilaterally compressed leaves that blooms on a very short, axillary, solitary flowered inflorescence with a long-lived, small, fragrant flower occuring at any time of the year on new leaves and most often more than one. Cuttings can be made of side branches as they will root out quickly if potted in a standard bark mix with high humidity and fairly heavy shade.