Partial shade, intermediary to hot temperature, flower in spring and summer
Found only on Mindanao Island in The Philippines at elevations around 800 meters as a small to medium sized, hot to warm growing epiphyte or lithophyte with close set, narrowly ovoid, 4-angled, ancipitous pseudobulbs enveloped basally by 3 to 4 membraneous, narrowly ovoid bracts and carrying a single, apical, broadly elliptical, acute, plicate, 5 to 7 nerved, gradually narrowing below into the short petiolate base leaf that blooms at any time of the year but mostly from spring to summer with an erect to then pendulous, to 12" [30 cm] long, fractiflex rachis, successively single, few to many [to 20] flowering, to 22" [55 cm] long inflorescence arising on a newly developing pseudobulb with wide spread, downward facing flowers open at any one time.
Found only on Mindanao Island in The Philippines at elevations around 800 meters as a small to medium sized, hot to warm growing epiphyte or lithophyte with close set, narrowly ovoid, 4-angled, ancipitous pseudobulbs enveloped basally by 3 to 4 membraneous, narrowly ovoid bracts and carrying a single, apical, broadly elliptical, acute, plicate, 5 to 7 nerved, gradually narrowing below into the short petiolate base leaf that blooms at any time of the year but mostly from spring to summer with an erect to then pendulous, to 12" [30 cm] long, fractiflex rachis, successively single, few to many [to 20] flowering, to 22" [55 cm] long inflorescence arising on a newly developing pseudobulb with wide spread, downward facing flowers open at any one time.