dimanche 8 août 2010

Polystachia pubesences

Partial shade, intermediary to hot temperature, flower in fall and winter
This is a small sized South African, very common, epiphytic or sometimes lithophytic, on exposed sandstone outcrops, hot to warm growing species that is found also in Swaziland at altitudes up to 1500 meters with clustered, narrowly conical-pyriform pseudobulbs carrying 2 to 3 apical, ligulate, unequally bilobed apically leaves that are articulated to the basal leaf sheaths that blooms on an erect, apical, 10" [24 cm] long, racemose, pubescent, several [7 to 12] flowered inflorescence, that is longer than the leaves, arising on a mature pseudobulb, with successively opening flowers occurring in the fall through winter if given shade and even water and fertilizer year round.